Empowering Teachers

One of the cornerstones of the PaathShala programme is the comprehensive E.C.C.Ed. Teacher training is provided to teachers in accordance with the New National Education Policy (NEP 2020). These educators are carefully selected from local communities and trained to be not just instructors but also mentors and caregivers. They are equipped with the necessary skills, techniques, and methodologies to facilitate a child’s learning journey effectively. The teachers are also educated on child psychology, child rights, and ethical teaching practices, ensuring a child-friendly and compassionate atmosphere. All the teachers who teach at PaathShala get trained and certified.

Experiential Learning

Our curriculum will cover an age appropriate curriculum with an amalgamation of play based learning and practical learning. With easily applicable, flexible learning modules available in multiple languages students will learn through practice and repetition driven learning. The program will be integrated very smoothly with activity trackers and daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly planned curriculums.

Overall Development

Our curriculum has been developed in a way that the children can perform at par with the children from cities and towns with an urbanized education structure. The curriculum will focus on the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of the student.

Learner Centric Classroom

The teaching pedagogy and assessments of students will have a holistic approach that will include the student’s background, interests, hereditary talents, interests and capacities. Individualized plans will allow the students to home their natural skills and abilities.

Centralized Monitoring Systems

A centralized monitoring application will allow us to monitor all PaathShala centers around the country. The system will include the curriculum planners, student’s nutrition profile, medical profile, assessment, and progress reports. All staff records will be centrally available along with real time CCTV surveillance and communication services that will connect all centres to our centralized team for troubleshooting.

Child Development

Activities like personality development, self-defence workshops, arts and craft, and cooking can boost one’s self-autonomy. Sporting activities like football, and cricket as team-building exercises along with additional activities that include chess, and digital technology skills will promote peer learning among students

Community Development

In addition to teaching children we plan to utilize the PaathShala premises as a Community Development Center, further supporting the community and also help build the community as a whole.